About Us

About Egyptology hub


Our Mission

Providing a reliable and comprehensive source of information about Egypt, encompassing historical, cultural, social, and economic aspects. The encyclopedia aims to serve as an educational and enlightening platform for the general public, allowing individuals to access extensive and diverse knowledge about Egyptian heritage and culture


Our Goals

Providing a reliable and comprehensive source of information about Egypt, whether it’s in the historical, cultural, social, or economic aspects. The encyclopedia aims to offer an educational and enlightening platform for the general public, enabling individuals to acquire extensive and diverse knowledge about Egyptian heritage and culture.


Our Vision

The vision is for the encyclopedia to be the primary online resource people turn to when seeking information about Egypt. The vision of the encyclopedia could be to enhance cultural communication and knowledge exchange between Egypt and the rest of the world, achieved through offering multilingual and diverse content characterized by accuracy and quality

If you Have any questions

Do not hesitate to contact us